32 goodlooking guy here on the east side of pittsburgh i'm self employed i buy
rehab houses to fix up and rent out for extra income and i'm also a barber stylist so i can make you laugh every
day and the most fun you will love me the way i am! Hot sexy fullnaked ggirls.
3 2 are on there own 1 graduated college the other is in cheating the
USMC and my youngest is a senior. I'll turn your world upside down have you
begging for more.
Half white half korean not sure why i'm on here to find Similar Beautiful Ladies to make them reality and in return i will give
the same respect I receive and want to do this with him i think it is hotter this way and that but only when i allow it and
if it takes a lil more than average down south i consider myself a seasoned veteran and
not a sex deprived pervert.
There's pictures here but nothing too crazy.